Portrait of the Diaspora in Rituals for Crossing Thresholds

At arrival, pour a few drops of oil on the hinge-

-side jamb of the door. At departure

make a black dot with mascara or eyeliner 

behind the ear. Speak God’s name 

at the ignition, at key turn.

Write God’s name with the third finger-

-tip on the page of the pillow before departing

for the dream world. Trace God’s name

across the temple, at the hairline

before the child passes 

out of the world of the home into that other world.

Stay standing at the open door

to watch them leave, guest or child, 

as our parents stood watching us depart

                      for highways and train stations and airports.

They still watch. We know exactly

the words in their mouths,

leaving home as we still are, 

marked as we are, by what they spoke 

into the airspace above our heads, 

scrawled with finger or eye pencil 

on our faces, arriving home, as we do

(dark oil blossom on wood)

stepping right foot first over the door sill