Gallery Girl

a little girl says

“i like this one

& the girl one”

as if there aren’t tons of girls here

on the walls


doubled over in agony

hand in fog-blurred hand

faces obscured by words

pallid as ghosts among the palms

girls cradling scrawny creatures

flowers at their feet

daydreaming, hollow faces like kodama

parasols their only anchor to the earth

eyes off-kilter, unbalanced

like a boat before it’s fully sunk

perched like mountain lions, ready to take

their meal

some are nothing

but the suggestion of a body

body like a stain on linen

hands tensed in anguish

body like a poet’s

body, eyes like an owl’s


but the little girl says

“i like the girl one”

like everyone in the gallery knows

which girl she’s talking about

& i think everyone does.